Portlandia is without a doubt the most divisive television show out there. You will either hate this show with a flaming passion or completely worship its dedication to breaking the mold to sometimes off-putting results. Portlandia aims to poke fun of, you may have guessed the city of Portland, Oregon and its often publicized wacky denizens. This is defiantly a show for the more internet savy, not for any particular technological reason but because of the ever growing hate and ridicule for the very people this show chooses to mock the hipsters, tree huggers, indie darlings, striped sweater and horned rimed glasses wearing folk who have quickly become the target of much disdain.

Portlandia is hit'n'miss emphasis on the miss, with creative talent from the current minds of SNL its really no surprise. And while I nearly cried laughing several times, I also took long breaks from watching particularly comfortably unfunny skits. The show which I probably should have mentioned by now is a sketch comedy show, so between Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein the stars of the show they play about 10 characters each. Ranging from two lesbian bookstore owners too a couple who find themselves helping the mayor played brilliantly by Kyle Maclachlan with his every whim. There are some bad skits that go on for excruciatingly stupid amounts of time, resulting in either enraged wonder or giggling disbelief on your part, it really varies on your tastes.

Portlandia is a show that's easy to test the waters with, each episode is less than 25 min and you can tell within a fraction of that if your going to enjoy the show. Its often unfunny even uncomfortably awkward but when it hits, it strikes gold, with hilariously insulting and subversive jokes that will have you wondering if this often times impossibly ludicrous city of Portland really exists as it does on this show. I really need to stress that Portlandia will be incredibly off-putting to many but to some it will be the greatest comedy on television; its smart, it defies conventions and points and laugh even when not appropriate. Give the show a chance it wont hurt, it actually might, but you cant be sure unless you try; I for one can't get enough and I'm very excited for the next season.
(3 out of 5)
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