Community has finally returned after an extended hiatus due in part to NBC's complete lack of control and astounding ineptitude in running a television network. As well as the seemingly left field announcement of showrunner Dan Harmon's departure after disagreements with Sony and NBC executives. Fans remained nervous about the shows future under a new writing staff and pair of showrunners leaving the season four premier with a lot to live up to. Unfortunately it seems the show we knew and loved is gone. Cynically replaced with a less alienating tone and sharp wit instead focusing on broader humor with more obvious and in turn lazy cultural references. I'm sorry to say it but it seems Community is officially dead, making NBC's half-assed attempt of fooling loyal fans that the current heartless carcass they are trodding out is even remotely the same show we had last year more aggravating and insulting.
Don't let the picture fool you, Community has lost its wit. |
The experience of watching the season premier is nearly indescribable. It was at once, depressing, infuriating and maddening, ok so it seems I could describe it fairly well. Anways. I will try to reserve some semblance of reservation as to the shows eventual quality after a few more episodes, but suffice to say if this premier is any indication this is going to be a slow agonizing death of a once great show. But to shine a bit of light on what was missing and why I'm already breaking out the tissue for the death of another great show let me simply state that in the entirety of this episode I smiled once. This entire episode gave me less of a response than a single look Abed would give to Troy in any episode last season. The Hunger Games reference is so half baked and desperate in its attempt to prove the shows relevance its depressing. Community was great because it didn't make any bones about who it was for, anyone who didn't "get it" could go watch Two and a half Men. The show was filled with jokes that took a second to sink in, and only went for sight gags when they were in service of a more thoughtful and oftentimes hilarious character moment. This new botched incarnation of Community flattens its characters into stereotypical roles. Annie in particular has seemingly digressed immensely from her previous development.
This doesn't appear in the episode but it distract me from the sadness |
One of the plots in this episode has Abed regressing into his happy place which is a television fantasy version of the real world. The concept is neat in theory but the shows mocking of television cliches are unironically used throughout the episode, relegating all snarky commentary moot. You can't insult typical television tropes and then follow through with them yourself, it makes the show appear like it doesn't even understand whats funny about the thing they are making fun of. Ugh, it's infuriating. *exhale* Look I'm willing to give the show a chance, its very possible this season could have some great episodes down the pipeline, but as of right now I am openly sobbing at the demise of one of the very best comedy shows on television. #sixseasonsandamovie(?)
(1 out of 5)
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